A safer walk to school

With pedestrians being the most vulnerable of road users in South Africa, the national roads agency has embarked on reducing the number of accidents involving pedestrians walking next to national roads. The South African National Roads ..
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SANRAL grooms next generation of civil engineers

The South African National Road Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) introduced the next generation of civil engineers to the world of engineering at the road agency’s schools induction programme in Bloemfontein. Twenty learners from various secondary schools ..
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Drought affects construction

The Department of Water and Sanitation warned on 16 May 2017 that water levels are continuing to drop gradually despite the good rains that fell in some parts of the country. It urged all South Africans ..
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SANRAL makes room to manoeuvre

Pedestrian deaths on roads is a concern for The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) and safety is always a huge consideration in any project. SANRAL has undertaken work between the Murchison and Marburg ..
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The pothole spotters

Many motorists have a story to tell about damage caused to vehicles from driving over a pothole, and the extra expense arising from repairs. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) has a dedicated ..
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SANRAL celebrated at SAICE Awards

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) was the talk of the town at The South Africa Institute of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Transport Division’s awards recently. These awards are a way of celebrating excellence ..
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