How the fuel levy works

People need roads but keeping up with demand is not easy. Since the 1990s, SANRAL’s budget from government has not been enough to start any road expansion or new road construction projects. South Africa has the ..
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Building roads through bursaries

SANRAL is a proud sponsor of various educational and career-orientated programmes. Our bursary and intern programmes groom and train young beneficiaries to become skilled and employable engineers. Cornelius, Daniel and Lemuel are prime examples. Here are ..
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Empowering local communities in uMuziwabantu

The construction of access roads in the uMuziwabantu Local Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal forms part of SANRAL’s Community Development programmes and includes infrastructure upgrades and pedestrian safety improvements. It entailed construction management and training services for the upgrade of ..
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SMME Programme: Kumshile’s story

For several years, FS & W Contractors, owned by Kumshile Nuku, was a dormant company until a golden opportunity to work on a project SANRAL presented itself in 2010. Located in the Eastern Cape, Kumshile employs ..
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