RRM creates jobs for small businesses

SANRAL has committed more than R4bn to road maintenance in the Northern Cape over the next three years with major benefits for small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). Of the R4bn allocated, approximately R500m is specifically ..
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Msikaba plant search and rescue

  The Msikaba North and South Plant Search and Rescue team collect important indigenous/endemic species within the road reserve, to increase plant numbers at the temporary holding sites. The Msikaba Bridge site plant search and rescue ..
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More jobs for O.R.Tambo district

SANRAL will over the next three years undertake more than 150 road construction projects in the Eastern Cape with at least 37 of those located in the O.R. Tambo District Municipality. These projects are expected to ..
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Moloto Road now a national road

Its official, the Gauteng portion of Moloto Road is now part of the  South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) road network, which means that all 162 km of the R573, traversing three provinces – Limpopo, Mpumalanga ..
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Taking SANRAL to the people of De Aar

R500m for RRM and approximately 1 500 new jobs over the next three years. That was the message from SANRAL to the people of De Aar. Through its flagship “Taking SANRAL to the People” stakeholder engagement ..
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SANRAL’s outlook is stable

The ratings agency Moody’s has changed SANRAL’s outlook from negative to stable. This follows on the government’s decision to grant additional funding to SANRAL to make up for the continuing under-collection of e-tolls. This had caused ..
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How to set SA on growth path

The modernising of network industries – including transport – is essential if South Africa is to achieve higher and sustainable growth that can contribute to economic transformation. This is one of the issues highlighted in a ..
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