Fences erected to make freeways safer

SANRAL takes steps to enhance traffic and pedestrian safety on the N2 and N3 in KwaZulu-Natal.  To prevent the further unnecessary loss of lives, vandal-proof fences are being erected at additional vulnerable sections of the N3 and N2 ..
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Embracing technology for safer roads

Randall Cable, Western Cape Regional Manager, writes that all stakeholders must play a proactive role in road safety.  Technology is changing society in so many ways and we must intensify our search for more technological solutions when addressing ..
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Technology is changing behaviour towards speeding

‘Average speed’ system encourages adherence to limits on the nation’s roads.  The introduction of innovative technology to curb speeding on major highways has resulted in a significant reduction in contraventions.   Average Speed over Distance – Asod – is a growing global trend ..
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Road safety starts with parents

Education and good examples play a vital role in influencing safe road behaviour among children from an early age. Children are easily influenced while young and parents should take advantage of this to teach them road ..
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Cameras catch thieves red-handed

Four arrested for stealing drains and fences on highways, potentially putting road users in danger.  Teamwork and swift reaction between the Gauteng Traffic Management Centre (TMC) and law enforcement officials resulted in the arrests of four men caught in the act ..
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SANRAL’s mega upgrade of the N3 begins

Work on improvements to KZN’s Gateway to Africa planned to take 8-10 years. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) has started work on the mega project to upgrade the N3 Corridor between Durban ..
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