Five fighting bias

Yeyethu Bafazi Construction employs people living in and around Mthatha, thus making them not only innovators in the construction industry but also job creators.  Four years. Five women. One consortium. That is the story of Yeyethu Bafazi Construction, established in ..
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Time to stamp out fronting

Sidestepping the spirit of the BEE Act halts real transformation efforts.  The act of ‘fronting’, a form of black economic empowerment (BEE) window dressing which undermines the intentions of South Africa’s BEE legislation, is a common ..
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The road to recovery and resilience

SANRAL has strong vested interests in the resurgence and growth of the construction and engineering sectors.    SANRAL’s decision to ramp up its investment in road infrastructure through an allocation of R70 billion over the medium term ..
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Creating value through innovation

SANRAL is leading the way through innovative road design and the application of technology to create a safe and sustainable primary road network. Technology and innovation are changing road construction and road management throughout the world. ..
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Status of major projects initiated during 2018/19

These are some of the contracts SANRAL initiated during this year.  Contracts were awarded for several major projects during the year, including:  The strengthening of the R511 between Brits and Beestekraal in the North West. This R172–million contract ..
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TRAC ready for festive season traffic influx

To accommodate the surge in traffic, TRAC has conducted intense preparations it believes will assist to prevent heavy backlogs.  This festive season is expected to be extremely busy on the N4 Toll Route, with Trans African Concessions ..
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Changes in construction sector gather momentum

In 2018/19 contracts to the value of R5 206 million were awarded to black-owned companies.  SANRAL’s bold initiatives to transform the construction industry and maximise the participation of black contractors, professionals and suppliers are yielding tangible results.  ..
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