SANRAL monitors Cape vulture colony

No evidence has been found of disturbance to the Msikaba Cape vulture colony during the recent environmental monitoring related to the construction of the Msikaba and Mtentu bridge haul roads. As part of the environmental requirements ..
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The N11 – an undiscovered tourist gem

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) has been renovating section 10 of the N11 – from Middelburg to the Olifants River Bridge, since February 2015, a stone’s throw from Damwal’s commercial hub. The ..
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The exceptional Wiseman

Wiseman Mavuso was one of the 39 students, across three universities in the South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited’s Western Region, to be awarded a bursary in 2015/16. Mavuso is tackling his dreams head-on and ..
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N3 improvement vital

Upgrading the N3 is essential if one of government’s strategic integrated projects linking the Port of Durban with Gauteng, South Africa’s economic heartland, is to succeed. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) divisional ..
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SANRAL hosts workshop for telecommunications industry

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) hosted a workshop for telecommunications service providers. SANRAL gave in-depth information on application processes, regulations and required declarations on fibre-optic cable installations within the agency’s road reserves. ..
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