Fences erected to make freeways safer

SANRAL takes steps to enhance traffic and pedestrian safety on the N2 and N3 in KwaZulu-Natal.  To prevent the further unnecessary loss of lives, vandal-proof fences are being erected at additional vulnerable sections of the N3 and N2 ..
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SANRAL’s mega upgrade of the N3 begins

Work on improvements to KZN’s Gateway to Africa planned to take 8-10 years. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) has started work on the mega project to upgrade the N3 Corridor between Durban ..
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N3 improvement vital

Upgrading the N3 is essential if one of government’s strategic integrated projects linking the Port of Durban with Gauteng, South Africa’s economic heartland, is to succeed. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) divisional ..
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N3 pedestrian bridge collapse

The Minister of Transport, Joe Maswanganyi, visited the site on the N3 where an unused pedestrian bridge collapsed in the early hours of 9 August 2017. The incident had resulted in a full closure of the ..
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SANRAL saves rare flora

  The South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) and the eThekwini Municipality Environmental Planning Department have worked together to ensure that road development does not affect rare flora in the area. The Hammarsdale interchange on ..
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