Night roadworks will take place this week on the Settlers interchange and Stanford Interchange Bridge, in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape over the coming week. On each occasion the work will start at 7pm and continue through the night before the roads are re-opened again at 5am the following morning.
The South African National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL) would like to advise motorists that from tonight (Monday, 16 May) at 7pm road resurfacing will be done on the Settlers interchange towards Grahamstown (M4 – N2). There will be lane restrictions with dual lanes merging into a single traffic lane on the bridge. There will be no ramp closures.
The work will take place from tonight (Monday May 16); Tuesday night (May 17) and again on Wednesday (May 18) from 7pm.
The roadworks will go ahead, weather permitting. There will be digital signs to caution motorist of ongoing roadworks taking place at night.
Reduced speed limits will be enforced.
There will also be road resurfacing on the Stanford interchange bridge. Single lane traffic restrictions will be implemented. This work will take place over six consecutive nights starting from tonight (Monday, May 16) until Saturday, May 21, with work starting at 7pm every day.
There will be an access route and exit route via the intersection ramps and or bridges.
“Motorists must be observant of all lane closures and warning signs, and exercise extreme caution when travelling through the construction work zones,” said Mbulelo Peterson, Sanral Southern Region regional manager.