Special attention has been given to programmes that combine elements of law enforcement and technology with education and/or awareness campaigns.

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) is mobilising the support of communities, grassroots organisations, academics and the private sector to develop a comprehensive education and awareness programme on road safety.
Elna Fourie, SANRAL’s Road Safety and Awareness Manager, said: “The aim is to influence attitudes through road safety education and encourage safe behaviour on our roads, especially among adults who may have developed dangerous habits over the years.”
A comprehensive desktop study was recently completed and SANRAL has also drawn from the best practices introduced by other countries.
Special attention has been given to programmes that combine elements of law enforcement and technology with education and/or awareness campaigns.
The study highlights that such an adult education programme should have a multipronged approach capable of reaching a variety of road users across different generations and communities while catering for all levels of knowledge and understanding of road use.
These insights will now be developed into a uniquely South African adult road safety education plan, which, through consultations within the field of road safety and based on a scientific study of current road user behaviour, will be able to meet the requirements of local conditions using a structured, multi–pronged approach.
SANRAL is inviting registered non-governmental organisations in the fields of adult road safety education to submit suggestions that can contribute to the development of an adult road safety education programme.
“Road safety is one of SANRAL’s pillars,” said Fourie. “We are committed to forming partnerships with all sectors of society to ensure we come up with workable solutions to promote greater safety on our country’s roads.”