Residents of Port Alfred and motorists travelling on the R72 between Port Alfred and Fish River, during the December holiday period are requested to please be aware of road signs, speed restrictions and other safety measures in place during this period.

There will be no stop-and-go sections on the R72, between Port Alfred and Great Fish River in the Eastern Cape, from 13 December until 9 January next year, SANRAL announced.
The project, which started in March 2015 is expected to finish in May next year and comprise the major rehabilitation of the R72 Section 3 and is located between Port Alfred at Km 1.30 and the Great Fish River at Km27.50.
Mbulelo Peterson, SANRAL Southern Region Manager, said: “This upgrade includes the construction of two 3.7m driving lanes, with auxiliary (climbing) lanes, and a surfaced shoulder on both sides of the new road. The new geometric design of the road has made the upgraded road safer for motorists.”
A safer road
The completed work in the urban area of Port Alfred consist mostly of a new bitumen treated base resurfacing.
An asphalt wearing course layer will complete the resurfacing. The placing of the asphalt wearing course layer will start soon but will only be completed next year.
Traffic lines and markings will be painted after completion of the asphalt re-surfacing. A small portion of climbing lane is outstanding from the Port Alfred Marina to the Port Alfred High School, but this should be complete before the contractor closes for the December holiday.
Peterson said: “Work is in progress at the new Port Alfred High School entrance. The construction of the Park Avenue intersection was delayed due to an unknown waterpipe that was damaged and will resume in the New Year.”
Sidewalks, kerb storm water inlets and kerbs from Van Riebeeck Street to Main Street including sidewalks and kerbs in the section in front of the Marina should be complete before the contractor shuts down from 13 December 2018 to 09 January 2019.
Any incomplete work in the urban and rural section will be made safe and maintained by an emergency team.
Peterson said: “Work on the rural section is in progress and the right-hand carriage way is in an advanced stage of completion. Ancillary work like concrete side drains and other works are in progress. The completion of all work will be dependent on weather conditions.
“Residents of Port Alfred and motorists travelling on the R72 between Port Alfred and Fish River, during the December holiday period, are requested to please be aware of road signs, speed restrictions and other safety measures in place during this period.”