Dr Monica Mochadi, the MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure in Limpopo, believes SANRAL’s contribution to the transformation of the construction sector must be applauded.

The Limpopo provincial government is committed to the expansion and improvement of our primary road network.
Roads play a critical role in all of the priority economic sectors identified in the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, most notably tourism, agriculture, mining and commerce.
The bulk of our products and services are carried on the primary road network and none of our world-class heritage and tourism sites would be accessible without the existence of well-designed and well-maintained roads.
It is encouraging to note some of the critical construction projects that were placed on hold have now resumed.
We are looking forward to the completion of both the Polokwane and Musina Ring Roads, which will contribute greatly to improved traffic flows on the vital N1 freeway and create a much safer environment for all road users.
Road safety remains a major concern considering the high volumes of vehicles that travel on our roads, especially during high peak periods.
We thus welcome the installation of cutting-edge technology near the Kranskop Toll Plaza in Modimolle, which has already contributed to a reduction in fatalities on one of the busiest stretches of roads.
SANRAL’s contribution to the transformation of the construction sector must be applauded.
An increasing number of black-owned companies and enterprises owned by women are now participating in construction and road maintenance projects, and acquiring skills that will enable them to grow and create more jobs.
This is an opinion piece by, Dr Monica Mochadi, the MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure