Complex design and education wins Rajkumar over

Engineering appeared as an attractive profession for Sasheen Rajkumar who always enjoyed maths and science as a scholar.

He believes engineering provides “complex and extraordinary design and construction problems, ultimately challenging the engineer technically, practically and creatively”.

Financial constraints were his biggest challenge until a door of opportunity opened after a bursary application to SANRAL.

“As an engineer fresh out of university, I am hoping to absorb as much technical experience as possible through SANRAL’s training programme for graduates in order to gain the necessary experience in engineering design, construction and project management,” said Sasheen.

He said he is privileged to be working in the Eastern Region where many exciting and large-scale projects are taking place, including upgrades to existing interchanges on the N2 which are intended to maximise traffic capacity and flow.

SANRAL is also helping him pursue his Master’s degree in engineering, which he is completing part-time.

“Education allows us to stand up as individuals and that with education, we are able to think clearly, make good judgements and differentiate right from wrong,” he says.

“As a civil engineer and employee of SANRAL, it will be my duty to be actively involved in the continual development of new roads and road infrastructure, as well as the maintenance of existing roads in order to meet ever growing traffic demands.”

Contributing to advancements in the industry are the “numerous and valuable technical guidelines and design manuals that have been written and revised under the stewardship and funding of SANRAL”.