Trouble-free Easter traffic expected on Road to the North
The N1 North between Gauteng and the Limpopo Border is expected to be in a good condition and travellers will likely not experience major delays caused by major roadworks during the Easter holiday period.
“The national and provincial road network is a safe environment and if drivers stick to the rules of the road and display tolerance and courtesy towards fellow road users, we should be able to cut down on the unacceptably high rate of fatal crashes,” says Vusi Mona, spokesperson for the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL).
The recent introduction of automated pay systems at toll plazas on the country’s busiest highways will improve traffic flow and contribute to safer journeys.
Road users with electronic tags no longer have to stop at the Capricorn, Kranskop, Nyl, Sebetiela and Baobab toll plazas on the N1 North. “One tag lifts all booms at plazas where the automated payment system is already in place,” says Mona.
It enables motorists to plan their travel in advance, cuts down on waiting time at plazas and reduces the levels of driver fatigue and frustrations during long journeys. “This, again, demonstrates how SANRAL’s investments in cutting-edge technology and smart road systems are contributing to a safer road environment,” says Mona.
The thousands of visitors to Moria during the Easter weekend will enjoy the benefit of the recently-opened R71 interchange just south of Polokwane. This is one of the busiest roads in Africa during Easter and the new road section and improved access for pilgrims to Zion city will contribute to the safety of the journey.
The Easter holiday – from Friday 25 to Monday 28 March – is traditionally a period when there is a rapid spike in traffic on most major national and provincial highways. The school holidays of all nine provinces coincide this year and traffic flow is expected to increase towards the end of this period prior to the reopening of schools on 5 April.
SANRAL is undertaking routine upgrades at the Capricorn and Baobab plazas and maintenance traffic can also be expected at the section of the road between Doornbult and Makhado.
Mona calls on road users to obey speed limits and slow down at demarcated areas where temporary construction might take place.
SANRAL is taking great care to prevent pedestrians or stray animals from entering the freeway network but road users are cautioned to adjust their speed especially during night times.