SANRAL remains committed to advancing economic participation of black business

SANRAL remains committed to advancing economic participation of black business

Pretoria,14 April 2022 – The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) confirms that it has successfully applied to National Treasury for an exemption from the application of the provisions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA). This follows a recent Constitutional Court ruling that the 2017 Preferential Procurement Regulations are unlawful, and an interim directive from National Treasury that:

  • tenders advertised before 16 February 2022 be finalised in terms of the 2017 Regulation
  • tenders advertised on or after 16 February 2022 be held in abeyance
  • no new tenders be advertised

Going forward, all contracts will be subject to SANRAL’s internal procurement policies and not the PPPFA and will continue to be guided by SANRAL’s Transformation Policy.

In its Transformation Policy Statement, SANRAL commits, among others, to maximising the participation of black contractors, professionals, suppliers and designated groups in all its projects, capitalising on the redress provisions in the Constitution and prevailing legislative frameworks.

“SANRAL will continue to follow its transformation policy to advance its transformation objectives,” added the roads agency’s Spokesperson Vusi Mona.