The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) hosted their first annual Indlela Yam, My Way, My Journey convention in Port Elizabeth.
High school learners from Nelson Mandela Bay attended a career development conference with leading businesswomen and academics.
The aim of the Indlela Yam, My Way, My Journey convention is to promote career development for learners and to expose them to various professions in the roads and transport industries.
Speakers and topics
Some of the topics by the guest speakers included: Know Yourself by motivational speaker Kuhle Bavuma, Careers: my future – how and where to go by SANRAL’s Nandipha Frans and Rhona Erasmus, and Why women in roads and Paving your way forward by civil engineer Lindokuhle Mahlangeni and candidate engineer Zintle Nxadi.
Other speakers included SANRAL civil engineer, Lindelani Tsanwani, who spoke about Siyaphambili with training and community development.
SANRAL’s candidate engineer, Nozipho Ngomane, spoke about running your journey with endurance while civil engineer, Noloyiso Bavuma, spoke about entrepreneurship in engineering.
The beginning
SANRAL’s candidate engineer, Malesiba Mabe, and SANRAL SR’s technical excellence academy secretary, Nandipha Frans, initiated the Indlela Yam, My Way, My Journey Convention.
“The convention promotes career development for the learners. As a roads agency, we also want the learners to know about the different career paths and opportunities in this industry,” said Mabe.
The programme exposed learners to different careers and promoted healthy living lifestyles while working towards their goals.
Among the topics discussed were gender inequality, the importance of knowing yourself, training and community development, entrepreneurship in engineering, how to reach your goal against all odds, and how to stand out from the rest without giving into peer pressure.
Learners speak
Mpatlalatsane Tsieane, 17, a Grade 11 learner from Newton Technical High School said she was inspired and motivated by the guest speakers.
“Civil engineering and construction management are two of my career choices. Before today’s convention I had no idea where to apply for bursaries to study civil engineering. I have learned that being a civil engineer is not an easy road but a possible one and I am inspired to work hard towards my dream,” said Tiesane.
Inette Mapoe, 16, a Grade 11 learner from St James Roman Catholic High School said she would like to be a doctor or social worker. She called the event “awesome”.
“Coming here was inspiring. To hear where these speakers come from and what they’ve reached with God’s will shows you can do anything,” Mapoe said.
Lindokuhle Siya, 16, a Grade 10 learner from EZ Kabane High School, would like to pursue a career as a doctor, or as a lawyer or pursue a career as an engineer.
“I learnt I don’t need to be somebody else, I just need to be myself, and stay focused and do what I need to do to finish high school well,” said Siya.
“At SANRAL we are passionate about career development and training. Today’s programme was another commitment from SANRAL to empower young minds,” Frans concluded.