Huguenot Tunnel opened within hours following closure due to nitric acid spill

Huguenot Tunnel opened within hours following closure due to nitric acid spill

Western Cape, 4 December 2023 – The Huguenot Tunnel is open to all classes of vehicles, in both directions, following a brief closure on Saturday 2 December, due to a nitric acid spill, the South African Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) has announced.
The incident, involving a truck that spilled some of its goods, occurred close to the Toll Plaza, about 5km from the Huguenot Tunnel, and, as a precautionary measure, all traffic was diverted over Du Toits Kloof Pass.

Local Environmental and Fire Services were requested to assist with the initial assessment. It was subsequently discovered that the truck was carrying nitric acid, among various other products, and the necessary evacuation was conducted with immediate effect.
Hazardous spill experts were called in to clean up the spill and the eight 1000 litre containers of nitric acid were safely transferred onto a secondary truck that was certified to carry such hazardous materials.

After a thorough clean-up of the area, it was declared safe for operations and the Toll Plaza and tunnel were opened around 20h00 on Saturday.

“We would like to thank the Drakenstein Local Municipality, Provincial Authorities, SAPS and all other role players for their swift response in averting a potentially life-threatening incident on Saturday. The incident will be fully investigated including the provision of available CCTV footage to the relevant law enforcement authorities,” said Mike Vinello-Lippert, SANRAL Project Manager for the Huguenot Tunnel.