Upgrading bridges and culverts on National Route R33, Section 14, between Vaalwater and Lephalale

Pretoria, 13 June 2021 – SANRAL recently awarded a project to address the Merriespruit steel-ribbed culvert on the R33 washed out due to inclement weather.  SANRAL is excited by the fact that this project will improve road safety on this section of the road.

At the same time that the new Merriespruit bridge is being constructed, SANRAL will also replace the rusted steel-ribbed culverts on the adjacent Brakspruit and Barberskuil streams with brand new reinforced concrete bridges.

SANRAL noted that when the three bridges are completed, the R33 will most likely be the preferred route between Vaalwater and Lephalale, as it is 25 km shorter than the alternative route.

The project’s high-level scope comprises establishing a small materials testing laboratory on site, including providing facilities for the engineer. An operational borrow pit will be established and three single-lane temporary deviations constructed at the site of each new bridge. There will be a manually operated Stop-Go through the day and traffic light-controlled signals at night. Additional work involves the constructing road and drainage works, three reinforced concrete bridges, the erection of guardrails, road signs, and applying road markings and road studs. Work will be done on protecting the slopes and establishing vegetation, and testing materials.

SANRAL’s Northern Region Manager, Mr Hlahla, indicated that this was a crucial link in the Limpopo province, and travellers on the road would benefit from improved travelling times and improved road safety. He further indicated that the project would benefit local SMMEs and positively impact the local economy. He noted that several work opportunities would be made available to local targeted enterprises in the Modimolle-Mookgophong and Lephalale Local Municipalities (MMLM & LLM). Local labour would also be sourced from the municipalities.

A Project Liaison Committee (PLC) consisting of stakeholders from MMLM and LLM has been established and was inducted in December 2020. After a slow start, the PLC is functioning well, and meetings are conducted frequently.

The awarded tender amount was R79 million. The consultant is a joint venture (JV) company between LEO Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Superstructures. The contractor is G4 Civils (Pty) Ltd. The Project Manager is Alan Agaienz, who can be contacted at 012 426 6200 or AgaienzA@nra.co.za


Issued by FTI Consulting on behalf of the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL)

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