Work will commence in the first quarter of 2020 once the contractor finalizes initial appointments of SMME contractors from the project area.

The South African Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) has awarded Raubex (Pty) Ltd the contract for the completion of the unfinished roadworks on the N2 at the Umhlali and Umvoti River crossings.
The contract administration will be undertaken by Naidu Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd. Work will commence in the first quarter of 2020 once the contractor finalises initial appointments of SMME contractors from the project area.
Work will continue for a period of 10 months.
How it will work
Construction will be carried out in clearly defined construction zones.
In order to complete the outstanding works in the shortest possible time, traffic will be accommodated on contra-flow on each carriageway which will allow the contractor full access to the construction work areas.
Work will be initially undertaken to complete the outstanding work on the north bound carriageway and thereafter proceeding to the southbound carriageway.
Motorists are advised to be observant of the advance warning signs, as well as the lane closures, and should exercise caution when travelling through the construction work zones.
Reduced speed limit restrictions will be imposed through the construction zones. Motorists are urged to observe all warning signs for their own safety and the safety of the workers on the road.
SANRAL wishes to thank all motorists in advance for their co-operation and patience over the last 2 years with the restricted travel at these two crossings and apologises for any inconvenience caused.
The restricted conditions will still be in place over the festive period and due cognisance needs to be taken by the motorists when traveling through these areas.