Increased traffic volumes will be accommodated on Sir Lowry’s Pass over Easter

Increased traffic volumes will be accommodated on Sir Lowry’s Pass over Easter

Western Cape, 12 April 2022 – While the R31 million slope stabilisation project on the N2 Sir Lowry’s Pass is well underway, the road will not be fully open to traffic between the hairpin bend and the lookout point at the top of the pass during the Easter weekend. Traffic accommodation will however be adapted to respond to the increased volume.

“This section of road has been operating as a two-lane, two-way roadway since slope stabilisation work commenced earlier this year, but capacity will be adapted to a three-lane facility over the Easter period to accommodate increased holiday traffic,” said Senzo Ngobese, SANRAL Project Manager.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday there will be two lanes open for traffic leaving Cape Town and one lane will be used for traffic approaching Cape Town. This configuration will be reversed on Easter Sunday, with two lanes available for inbound traffic and only one lane operating for outbound traffic.

Road users are reminded of the alternative route around Clarence Drive, past Hangklip and Betty’s Bay, for accessing Bot River and beyond.

“We appeal to motorists for patience, vigilance and courtesy on the road during this coming long weekend. Let us take collective responsibility for our safety, and that of road construction workers and pedestrians,” said Ngobese.