Despite the remarkable progress on the upgrade of the R573 Moloto Road, a few factors continue to be a challenge. While some have been addressed prior to the actual construction, many are just now surfacing and affect project progress.
Informal traders and mushroom shacks
Trading inside the national road reserve (R573), and the
increasing number of shacks at intersections, especially
near Phola Mall, are a major challenge. This matter
was brought to the attention of the Thembisile Hani
municipality for intervention.
Consultations regarding relocations with those who are
affected by the current projects (priority works,
Project B in Limpopo contracts) including traditional
leaders, municipalities, councillors and hawkers trading
inside the road reserve took place. All parties agreed
to move the hawkers elsewhere temporally. Further
discussions will be held with the other informal traders
as soon as the final new planned road reserve has been
confirmed for the remainder of the route sections.
Land acquisitions
In the Mpumalanga section of the R573, four properties
have been acquired, and a further six agreements still
need to be signed with the land owners. In Limpopo, 37
agreements still have to be signed with farmers. In the
event of an acquisition, a qualified valuer negotiates
with the affected land owner, signs an agreement and
pays market-related compensation for the affected land
or buildings.
SANRAL appeals for full cooperation from communities
and stakeholders, in particular those encroaching on
the road reserve and ignoring building restrictions
or planning to do so. Additionally, full cooperation in
signing the agreements is sought from all affected land
owners. Local communities are asked to respect beacons
placed by surveyors indicating the national road reserve.
Headmen/chiefs should not allocate stands inside the
road reserve.