The second phase of the greenfi elds portion of the N2 Wild Coast Road has started and a number of important milestones will be achieved in 2018.
Work on the construction of the Mtentu Bridge, near Lusikisiki, started on 11 January 2018. The R1.63bn project will take place over a period of 40 months and is expected to be completed by May 2021.
The main contract was awarded to the Aveng Strabag Joint Venture in August 2017. The company has committed itself to ensure fairness and transparency in procurement, empowerment, employment and training. It is expected to comply with the minimum contractor participation goals of R100m for SMME subcontractors and suppliers, and R30m in wages to local labour.
The greenfi elds section of the N2WCR project is expected to contribute more than R2.7bn in value to SMME subcontractors and suppliers, and a further estimated R400m will be paid in wages to local, semi-skilled and unskilled labour. This project will have a major impact on the local economies, benefi tting local businesses in a wide range of fi elds such as commerce, trading, supplies and services.
Our next milestones
  • The second tender for the Msikaba Bridge went out in November 2017 and will close on 9 March 2018. Construction on this cable-stayed bridge is expected to start towards the end of 2018.
  • All remaining tenders for road design and construction packages will be advertised during 2018 and 2019 and all construction work will be under way by 2020.
  • There are three community development programmes underway in Mbizana, Ingquza Hill and Port St Johns.
  • As part of these programmes, 31 enterprises with a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) grading of 1 and two SMMEs from each community have participated in road construction training programmes. They are now completing the practical elements of their training, which involves the mentored construction of access roads connected to the project.
  • Two additional community development programmes will start in Makwanteni and Sigidi (Mbizana municipality) in March 2018.
  • A further community development project will start in Ntafufu (Port St Johns municipality) towards the middle of the year.