
In Mtentu North, graves belonging to five families have been exhumed and reburied. In Msikaba North, the graves of 22 families have been exhumed and reburied. More than 130 individual grave belonging to these 27 families have been relocate to date.

Vhubvo Archaeo-Heritage Consultants CC was appointed to undertake the various processes linked to the relocation of the graves along the haul roads connected to the N2 Wild Coast Road. Vhubvo is responsible for the exhumations and reburials an also provides support to any community members affected by the grave relocations.

Traditional leaders and affected families were consulted beforehand; public meetings were held and information was distributed to explain the background to the relocations and the processes involved. Communities were also informed through local media about the need to relocate some of the graves along the route.

Following the public participation process, the Eastern Cape Provincial Heritage Resources Authority issued permits for the exhumation and reburial of heritage resources to SANRAL.


In the Mtentu Bridge North Haul Road portion of the N2 road reserve, five houses are being relocated and are under construction. In the Mtentu Bridge South Haul Road portion of the N2 road reserve, seven houses are being relocated and are under construction. Lastly, in the Msikaba Bridge North Haul Road portion of the N2 road reserve, six houses are being relocated.

Two houses have been completed and are awaiting connection of electricity before the families move in. Four further houses are still under construction.

Relocation of the households in the remainder of the approved N2 road reserve between Msikaba and Mtentu are awaiting the finalisation of newconstruction tenders by SANRAL.

Flagstaff Office Manager to be appointed

SANRAL’s new office in Flagstaff is almost fully operational.

The appointment of a manager is set to take place soon. Interviews for this position are complete. The newly appointed manager will undergo two months of orientation at SANRAL’s Port Elizabeth office, before starting full-time in Flagstaff.

All replacement houses and other structures are built according to the standards set by the National Home Builders Registration Council. To ensure a fair process, SANRAL has assisted with the relocation of people, furniture and recovered building material.